Wednesday, May 30, 2012

C'est Paris! Nous sommes jeunes et nous sommes vivant.

I arrived in Paris a few days before the rest of the group and decided to acquaint myself with the city. It turns out that using the metro and walking the streets is relatively simple if you have somewhere to go and if you don't have anywhere to go it works all the better. The city is substantially different from what I have been lead to expect. Although movies and television shows attempt to paint the city as the epitome of beauty, they refrain from mentioning several important details. The city is fairly dirty, it is littered with trash, smells like urine, and there are gypsies and pickpockets everywhere. Regardless, Paris is still one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The museums are packed with historical artifacts, paintings, and other various artworks that are incredible. Each building is ornately decorated with hundreds or thousands of years of history. The food and wine is incredible. The fast food tastes better. It is no wonder that the city holds such popularity. After wandering through Paris for a couple of days, the group arrived and the following morning we visited Sacre-Coeur, this commenced a long day of traveling through the city and visiting the sites. Since this time, we have been to Musee de l'Orangerie, Musee Rodin, Musee d'Orsay, Les Invalides, The Catacombs, Versailles, L'Arc de Triomphe, La Tour Eiffel, and the Louvre. Despite the overabundance of tourists, it has been nothing short of the most incredible city in the world, that I have yet seen.

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