Sunday, May 20, 2012

French Culture: True or False?

Before we left, we were assigned to read the book, French or Foe, by Polly Platt.  She writes about what to expect in France, and why Americans think the french are rude and vica versa.  We were supposed to come up with 5 questions from that reading, (or inspired by that reading) that we wanted to try to answer while in France.  These are mine:

1. Is it true that the french eat a large dinner?
2. Is it true that the french are more interested in relationships than business deals?
3. How would that be verified, what would that look like?
4. Are dinners more formal?  Is conversation a large part of the enjoyment of dinner?
5. Do the french really not smile at foreigners?

I will make comments on what I have observed so far, and what I continue to observe not only in Nice, but Paris.  I imagine that there may be a big difference in what I find in Paris, than in Nice, but ... time will tell.

So far I have not witnessed a large dinner, quite the contrary.  However, several of the other students who are staying with other families have, including true french cuisine, like escargot!  I have had some lovely french dinners: quiche and a soufflé-like roll.
Conversation at the dinner table does seem to be an important part of the culture.  I enjoy it very much.  I also was honored to be invited to visit with my hostess and her family when they had her birthday toast of champagne (and my orange juice).  It was delightful to listen to the family interact.  They were very polite and kind to include me in the conversation and make sure I understood what was being said.

As far as relationships .... I mentioned to our professor, Tammy, when we were eating a late lunch in the plaza, that what we were doing was much of what I saw the book trying to express about the french.  The plaza is open, with shops and restaurants all around, yet the most wonderful part of it is the conversing that is taking place.  People sit outside of the restaurants, where they can see and hear what is going on all around them, and interact as they choose.  A great, and I think very french experience!

Enough for now!

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